1. General

1.1. In these terms and conditions, The Skin Therapy means: The Skin Therapy located at Calandstraat 1 - 35, unit 3.23, 2521 AD in The Hague and the skin therapists associated with The Skin Therapy. The skin therapist is a member of the Dutch Association of Skin Therapists (“NVH”) and works in accordance with the current professional code of the NVH.

1.2 In these terms and conditions, “client” is understood to mean the person who instructs the skin therapist for treatment.

1.3 In these terms and conditions, “client” is also understood to mean his legal representative.

1.4 These conditions are part of every agreement between the client and the skin therapist.

1.5 These terms and conditions also apply in the event that the skin therapist involves third parties for the execution of the assignment.

1.6 The Medical Treatment Agreement Act also applies to a medical treatment agreement (ex Book 7, Title 7, Section 5 of the Dutch Civil Code) between the skin therapist and the client.

1.7 The effect of Article 7:404 and Article 7:407 paragraph 2 of the Dutch Civil Code is expressly excluded.

2 Agreement

2.1. The agreement between The Skin Therapy and the client/patient includes the assignment of the client/patient to The Skin Therapy for treatment.

2.2. The Skin Therapy is entitled not to comply with an unreasonable desire of the client/patient and may refuse to perform a treatment.

2.3. Termination or suspension of the agreement is possible if the client/patient behaves improperly or unfairly towards The Skin Therapy or its employees or the volunteers working there and/or towards fellow clients or their visitors.

3 Consent

3.1 The client grants The Skin Therapy written permission to do so prior to the execution of the treatment agreement.

3.2. The Skin Therapy may require the client/patient to confirm his consent in writing.

3.3. The client grants unconditional and unconditional consent - in view of the care taken - for the registration of his personal data and medical data that are relevant for the treatment and the completion of the treatment.

3.4. In the event that the client/patient refuses or withdraws his consent, The Skin Therapy will no longer perform any treatment.

4 Information

The client/patient must inform The Skin Therapy in a timely manner and keep it of all information that is necessary for the proper execution of the agreement.

5 Rates and health insurance

5.1 Rates apply, unless expressly agreed otherwise in writing, for the duration of one calendar year and can be adjusted annually. (see www.theskintherapy.nl)

5.2 The client is responsible for ensuring that he is aware of whether and to what extent his insurer reimburses the treatment. Furthermore, it is the responsibility of the client whether or not to declare invoices to his insurer.

6 Payment

6.1 The client/patient pays immediately after the treatment in cash or by debit card.

6.2 If The Skin Therapy treats the client on account, the client will make full payment within 14 days and the relevant amount will be paid into the relevant account of The Skin Therapy, stating the invoice number and type of treatment.

6.3 Irrespective of whether the invoice is reimbursed by the insurer, the client/patient is at all times obliged to pay the invoice in full and on time.

6.4 Payments are first deducted from the oldest outstanding invoices.

6.5 If the client/patient does not pay the invoice on time and/or in full, it is in default. The Skin Therapy is then authorized to take collection measures (or have them taken). The costs associated with the collection (including extrajudicial costs and other costs) are for the account of the client/patient.

6.6 In the event of payment arrears, The Skin Therapy is authorized to suspend further treatment or to only perform it against direct constant payment.

6.7 The payment obligation is not suspended because the client/patient submits a complaint against The Skin Therapy about the invoice and/or the treatment, unless The Skin Therapy agrees to the suspension of the payment obligation.

6.8 The payment obligation does not expire if the client/patient terminates the agreement.

7 Cancellation

7.1 In the event that the client/patient is unable to make an appointment, he must cancel this at least forty-eight (48) hours in advance at The Skin Therapy. For laser treatment, the client/patient must cancel at least fourteen (14) days in advance.

7.2 If the client does not cancel or does not cancel in time, The Skin Therapy can charge the rate of the treatment in whole or in part.

7.3 Appointments can be canceled by telephone or e-mail, whatsapp and instagram. The cancellation is registered by the skin therapist the moment the client calls, leaves the answering machine or receives his message by the skin therapist. If the client wishes to cancel her appointment by telephone, this is the responsibility of the client. The fact that The Skin Therapy cannot be reached by phone cannot be a reason for not making the appointment or not making it on time.

8 Liability

8.1 If an event occurs during the treatment, which also includes the failure to perform a treatment, not fully or not in time, that leads to liability of The Skin Therapy, then that liability is limited to the amount for which the amount paid by The Skin Therapy liability insurance policy. However, The Skin Therapy is not liable if at the time the event occurs, the client/patient is in default with the fulfillment of any obligation towards The Skin Therapy.

8.2 The Skin Therapy cannot give any guarantee about the amount of hair reduction after the treatment(s), or the number of treatments for achieving the desired hair reduction.

8.3 The Skin Therapy is not liable for burns and/or damage to the skin due to tattoos, piercings, moles and/or pigmentation.

8.4 The Skin Therapy is not liable for (aggravated) pigmentation on the skin after the treatment(s).

9 Complaints

9.1 In the event of dissatisfaction or a complaint from the client/patient about the treatment by The Skin Therapy, the client/patient reports this to The Skin Therapy by e-mail as soon as possible, within 48 hours. The Skin Therapy and the client/patient then both make an effort to come to a solution.

9.2 If a solution proves impossible, the client can turn to the internal complaints committee of the NVH: the Patient Advice Committee (“PAC”). This committee will first mediate between The Skin Therapy and the client/patient.

10 Nullity

In the event that any provision of these terms and conditions is void or voidable, this shall not affect the validity of the remaining provisions.

11 Applicable law

The agreement concluded between The Skin Therapy and the client/patient, and any further agreements concluded for the implementation thereof, are exclusively governed by Dutch law.

12 Change

12.1. The Skin Therapy reserves the right to change these terms and conditions at any time

12.2. Changes will be notified to the client/patient in writing or electronically via the website (www.gentleclinics.nl) and will take effect one (1) month after the date of that announcement, unless stated otherwise in the announcement. If the client/patient does not object to the change in the conditions within one (1) month after the date of the announcement, the client/patient will be deemed to have accepted the change. If the client/patient makes a substantiated objection to the change of the conditions within one (1) month after the date of the announcement, this constitutes a ground for dissolution of the agreement.

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